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Heavenly Father, Let There Be Peace...

  Heavenly Father, We come before You, seeking Your divine guidance and grace. In a world that often feels divided and troubled, we ask for Your peace to fill every heart, every home, and every nation. Let Your love flow through us, calming fears, healing wounds, and bridging the gaps that separate us from one another. We pray for understanding where there is confusion, for unity where there is division, and for compassion where there is pain. Help us to see beyond our differences, and teach us to reach out to one another with kindness and respect. May we be instruments of Your peace, bringing comfort to those in distress and hope to those who feel lost. Lord, we ask for peace in places torn by conflict, for an end to the suffering of the innocent, and wisdom for those in power. Guide the hearts of leaders around the world, so that they may seek the path of dialogue, justice, and harmony. May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, spread across the earth, touching every soul. H

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