A Love That Knows No End...


A Love That Knows No End

I love you past the setting sun,

Beyond the stars, where dreams are spun.

Through every breath, through every sigh,

You are my heart, my reason why.

No storm could wash this love away,

No night could steal the light of day.

Through every trial, loss, and gain,

I’d choose you still, through joy and pain.

In every whisper of the breeze,

In silent moments, I feel at ease.

Through endless skies and ocean's tides,

With you, my love, I’d always confide.

If lifetimes fade, if worlds collide,

I’d search for you on the other side.

For love like ours, so pure, divine,

Will last beyond the end of time.

No distance vast, no space, no place,

Could ever steal this love’s embrace.

With you, I’ll stand, come what may,

I’ll love you always, every day.

I love you, My Love…

Jacob M


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