The Consequences of Adultery:- Does Divorce, Separation, Cheating & Adultery very Common in todays World? Chapter 3

Dear Readers,
Divorce, Separation, Cheating, and Adultery are very common today..... Hmm .... what a waste of life, commitment, loyalty, and trust all go down the drain. It really sucks when a marriage fails and especially when only one side of the story is heard. How many of us have seen the movie the titanic??? obliviously definitely a lot of us have seen this movie. when the ship sinks, along with it goes its passengers. Sad but true, well the same goes for marriage. I still don't understand why a couple ever gets married, they its love, then have children, and after some time starts fights. Then the spouse goes to other people for advice and begins the ex-marital affairs... When they themselves can sort out these issues themselves. A family is like a passenger on a boat. If the boat sinks, everyone drowns. Using this method of a sinking boat and taking it one step further, adults know how to swim, but often the children don't. The same is true with a divorce. Most adults can handle the break up of their marriage or committed relationship and move forward even if it is difficult and painful. A study now shows that in the case of children. Children from divorced homes are at increased risk for academic, social, Suicide, and emotional injury or failure.
Really don't know what to say...
To reduce the pain and risk: If the Narcissist is remorseful for his or her bad behavior, or actions then the couple can and should heal and stay together, especially if there are children in the family. But I have noted some families mess up even if one person wants to reconcile. Don't go to anyone else, Please for the children's sake, Find a qualified couples therapist who has a specialty in infidelity recovery and use his or her services to make sure the relationship healing is complete. You would not try to treat yourself if you had a broken bone. So please, when fixing a broken relationship get professional help.
Now again we will meet again next Monday for an exciting case of adultery one on one...
I Pray All Marriages Get sorted out for the Sake of the Children...
God Bless You...
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