Dark Prophecy...


The toll has been set. The Ferryman waits... 

Dear Readers,

The night whispered secrets only the damned could hear.

"I don’t have any friends. My friends are scared of you. That’s why they don’t come to talk to me."

Her words slithered through my mind like a venomous snake, coiling, tightening, suffocating.


That’s what she claimed. As if fear existed without cause. As if it could be conjured from thin air. No. Fear is earned. Fear is planted, watered, and cultivated by those who have something to fear.

They feared me because they had sinned.

The ones who whisper in the dark, who twist lies into truths, who paint the innocent as monsters they know what they have done. And they know the reckoning is near. Fear is their confession, their trembling hands, their darting eyes, their hushed conversations. They clutch their throats at the mere thought of my shadow passing by.


They believe that with my absence, the fear will fade. They think that once the nightmare is gone, they can wake up and breathe again. Fools. Fear doesn’t die with a man. It lingers, festers, and when the time is right, it rises again, stronger, hungrier. My presence was never the fear they should have worried about. It was what I carried with me the truth, the inevitable, the judgment that watches and waits.

They will pay the toll to the Ferryman.

No soul escapes the price of their own sins. No lies will unshackle them from the weight of their betrayals. They thought they could cast their shadows upon me, let their poison seep into my name, and walk away unscathed. But darkness is not something you can banish it only finds new shapes to wear, new ways to crawl into the marrow of your bones.

And it is coming.

The dark evil does not forgive. It does not forget. It does not rest.

Run, if you must. But there is no sanctuary left for you. No light bright enough to hold it back.

The toll has been set. The Ferryman waits.

And the debt is long overdue.

The Bible warns, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7-9)

This is not my law. It is not my curse. It is the inescapable truth written in the fabric of existence. They have sown lies, deceit, and ruin now, the harvest comes.

What was taken will return. What was stolen will be restored. Fate does not forget, and neither do I.

You twist the truth, You played your Part.
But you can't Unmatch, A Dark Heart.
I seek no Harm, I cast no Pain.
Yet pushed too Far, And storms will Rain.
So heed my Words, Don't feed your Pride.
For deep Within, I have a Dark Side.

Fear is not the weight of a man’s presence, but the echo of deeds left behind. They do not fear the shadow, but what it carries is the weight of their own transgressions, creeping toward them in the silence. The Ferryman does not chase, does not hunt. He waits, patient as time, certain as death.

One cannot escape what is owed. And what was lost shall be reclaimed.

Jacob M


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