

### Revenge

The night was still, with the occasional rustle of leaves breaking the silence. Daniel sat on his porch, nursing a glass of whiskey, the amber liquid reflecting the dim light of the moon. He replayed the events of the past year in his mind, his heart aching with a mix of betrayal and anger.

Sophie, the woman he had loved deeply, had abandoned him. Not only had she cheated on him, but she had also manipulated their children, turning them against him. The pain of her infidelity was a deep wound, but the way she had twisted the minds of their kids was a betrayal that burned even more fiercely.

Daniel had been a devoted husband and father. He had worked long hours to provide for his family, sacrificing his dreams for theirs. But Sophie had thrown it all away, seeking excitement in the arms of other men. He discovered the truth by accident, a forgotten text message left open on her phone. When he confronted her, she didn’t deny it. Instead, she blamed him for everything, painting herself as the victim.

The Marriage had been brutal. Sophie had used her charm and lies to gain sympathy from Everyone, securing custody of the children. They now saw Daniel as the villain, thanks to her constant brainwashing. He felt helpless as he watched his family slip through his fingers.

Daniel’s thoughts turned to revenge. He wanted to expose Sophie for what she truly was and show the world the men she had cheated with. He had gathered evidence—photos, texts, and emails—painstakingly collected over the months. He knew the scandal it would cause, how it would ruin her carefully constructed facade.

But as he stared into the darkness, a question gnawed at him: Was revenge worth it? Would it bring him the peace he so desperately craved, or would it only deepen his wounds?

The next day, Daniel met with his lawyer, Sarah, to discuss his options. She had been a fierce advocate. and he trusted her judgment.

“You have enough evidence to ruin her,” Sarah said, looking over the documents. “But what do you hope to achieve?”

“I want justice,” Daniel replied. “I want people to see her for who she really is.”

Sarah sighed. “Revenge might give you momentary satisfaction, but it won’t heal your pain. You need to think about what’s best for you and your kids in the long run.”

Daniel left the office conflicted. That evening, he went for a walk, seeking clarity. As he wandered the streets, he saw a group of children playing in a park. Their laughter reminded him of happier times with his own kids. He realized that exposing Sophie would only create more chaos and pain, especially for the children.

He made a decision. Instead of pursuing revenge, he would focus on rebuilding his life and fighting for his kids in a different way. He would be patient, showing them through his actions that he was not the monster their mother made him out to be. He would become the father they needed, a stable and loving presence in their lives.

Months turned into years, and Daniel’s patience paid off. Slowly, his children began to see the truth. They started spending more time with him, and the bond that had been fractured began to heal. Sophie’s manipulations lost their power as the kids experienced first-hand the love and care Daniel had to offer.

In the end, Daniel realized that the best revenge was living a good life. By choosing love and patience over anger and spite, he not only reclaimed his children but also found peace within himself. Sophie’s lies and deceit faded into the background, a reminder of the past that no longer had a hold on his future.

after looking at this true story I remembered God's word.

Romans 12:19. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. ...

God Help Us All...

Jacob M
