Why am I Alone?


I am going, to be honest with you. People in general are only interested in themselves and their own lives. Nobody cares about you and your problems, that is the honest truth. Only you can face your problems and change your life for the better. This is probably why you feel alone because nobody cares.

Sure, they say that family always cares and in the end your family is going to be there with unconditional love, this couldn't be any more falser. I have seen it first-hand to be the other way around and you have experienced it as well. This is probably why you feel alone because you expect people to care and they just don't give a damn.

You say you always wanted to be in Iran, what makes you think you will not be alone in Iran or why Iran is such a haven? It is not. People in Iran don't care about you either, they all have their own problems and are interested in their own lives not some kid who feels alone and wants to make friends. If you come here, you will also feel alone here, more than ever, given that are probably more American now than Iranian. People don't give a damn about you here either.

The Iranians, the Americans, the Chinese, the African-Americans, the Hispanics, they are all trash (as you stated) because ultimately they do NOT give a damn about you, they are only interested in themselves.

This does not mean all hope is lost for you. This just means, by accepting, this hard truth you will be able to actually move forward and build a better life for yourself. I actually know who you are based on past conversations, and I also have a brother your age, so the advice I am giving you here, is the same I would give to my own brother. NOBODY CARES FOR YOU, except yourself.

Seek help, and talk to people who care, meaning pay someone, that is the only way someone would care to listen to you and give you proper guidance. As others have mentioned this is a normal state of life and you need to accept it. Do not go around badmouthing people, be it family, friends, Iranians and etc. This will only aid in isolating yourself from others, it feeds into your depression and loneliness.

I have a few suggestions that will truly change your life if you follow them daily. The concept is not new and is very cliche but it works, trust me, it has worked for me and it can work for you.

Exercise daily

Eat only fresh and healthy foods (NO JUNK, NO SUGAR)

Stay away from Alcohol and Narcotics

Get the proper amount of sleep every night (8-9 hours), Go to bed before 11 PM

Be grateful, site aloud every night and every morning, twice a day, 5 things you are grateful for in your life

ALWAYS smile

Numbers 5 and 6 are the most important ones. If you do these 6 steps for 30 days, which we can both agree is not a long time, with the utmost enthusiasm, your life will definitely change for the better. It did for me anyway.

What do you have to lose?

God Bless You All

Jacob M
