Episode 1 The Really Sickening part is "Addictions".

Dear Readers,
A Very Good Morning!!!
After seeing all facets of life, I have seen different scenarios of types of Narcissists. it's very difficult for anyone, may it be a man or a woman to recover from any post-traumatic circumstances...
A wife cheated on her husband and he forgave her for that, isn't that surprising I would say shocking, but the problem is whenever the husband would look at her he would start seeing the vision of her sleeping with another man. Now you tell me... How can the husband get over this?
You don't!!!
Trust me, Take it from me, nothing will ever change. She won't change, like I always said a Narcissist will always be a Narcissist, the husband tried that some years ago, but he eventually f***** his life up and realized he would never have any more respect for her. Not only that but later he was told by several friends that any woman that you forgive for cheating on you. Will never ever f******* respect you again.
Now that's a shitty feeling, what say you? She abused her husband, and her cousin abused him too, especially the cousin who is divorced and she couldn't save her marriage, then her family members abuse the husband why? She completely disrespected her husband and he hung his head, put his tail between his legs, and said “It's okay”. That's not attractive and it makes you look like a sucker and a loser. To be honest, in the end, it will be her leaving you for someone else. Take this advice from me and move on. I promise you, you will appreciate it in the future.
Let me start my every 5 Sunday article based on true facts about Narcissists and what they do when they wanna play hide & seek with you when you aren't around.
1. Episode 1 The Really Sickening part is "Addictions".
In the beginning, there was only one spouse and it became spouses...
A Narcissist will wanna be alone... Now that's something I can say is DANGEROUS!!!
That's when you lose your trust in your Spouse...
Every Narcissist has some hobby it could be good or something bad. But eventually, The first reason they may want to be alone, is that would help the narcissist have the space to pursue their addictions. the good addictions can be understandable, but again their addictions can be dangerous. For example, it could be any addiction to games, drugs, gambling, porn, or even sex.
Today's top gun addiction which is placed at position pole 1 is INFIDELITY. How can a spouse go on when his spouse cheated on him or her? there goes the saying "You don't have to have sex to be a cheater. once you start hiding text messages and lying about where you are going and who you are with, trust me you are already on your way to getting the designation of being known to be a CHEATER...
So trust me, each and every narcissist dedicates their life to all these addictions which enables them to stay far and entertain themselves for their sick self-centered needs.
We have to try to end this sick Narcissistic behavior or it will be at the end of their family existence...
Thank You
Until next Sunday Ep 2 Will be "Who's the New Toy???"
God Bless You All...
-Jacob M
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