Narcissists Love to Play Hide & Seek. Episode 2 “Who's the New Toy???"

Dear Readers,
A Very Good Morning,
I'm Back again with a new Ep 2 of Narcissists Love to Play Hide & Seek.
Today's Scintillating topic is
2. Episode 2 “Who's the New Toy???"
As I have mentioned in my earlier article. That’s, Episode 1 The Really Sickening part is "Addictions".
“Spouse becomes Spouses" Doesn't it sound sick to the CORE... from spouse to spouses, it is really sick or in different words “Unhealthy”.
Now, Readers you got to be ready for this, the hunt is on now by a Narcissist, it is literally really on Now.
A spouse may be a husband or wife...
Now listen to me very carefully... Have you ever checked your spouse's phone and found anything shitty or again “Unhealthy”??? or By Mistake has their phone fallen into your hands and you find something not right???
Well, I mean not something vulgar or anything? well, I don't wanna bore you all. Let me cut to the chase. when a husband or wife, starts to see a drastic change in their spouse's behaviors, they tend to wonder, why they don’t smile when they try to make them smile. Correct? They Smile when others make them smile. What's wrong and then you start to investigate.
You become Sherlock Holmes full mode, ain't I right? And that's how your so-called better half's phone comes under your scanner. When you go through the phone you find no, Not One? Not Two? But you find infinite guys or gals concerning your wife or husband's chats on their phones and why is that? Secondly, why do Narcissists say that their friends are scared of their spouses? obviously, they would be scared until they have done something wrong, Right???
Well, this is something that we can all say Narcissist Husbands or Narcissist wives have multiple choices of men or women who entertain them in all different types of unhealthy ways we can't imagine.
Seriously I just don't wanna imagine...
That's when they lose not only trust but interest in their Spouses...
Let me elaborate...
The Husband or wife is a primary Supply whereas the extramarital guys or gals are the new supply. it may sound weird but it's true. I saw with my own eyes one of my friend's wife searching for a new supply. she was on Tinder, Facebook, and whatnot checking out random guys. Jesus, she's got a great husband what does she need more?
A narcissist like that will never end, they will result in unhealthy addictions like sexting, videos, and photographs, to be honest, it makes me sick to the core. Yes, Narcissists like sorry oops they love and thrive to dedicate a lot of their time and energy to finding and impressing new sources of supply. So, when they are bored with their current supplies, you can be sure they are looking for new ones.
Their alone time can always be an unhealthy opportunity for them to cheat on their partners. Narcissists love having multiple supplies on hand and end up juggling a few partners at once. And if you are infringing on time that they would prefer to spend with someone else, then expect them to come up with an excuse to put you on the shelf for a while. I correct myself not only on the shelf, they literally put you out for drying on the clothesline.
But sadly, Narcissists especially don't understand the repercussions. of having an affair. Women who engage in extramarital affairs are more likely to get trapped, abused, and even threatened with their private photos and videos which is very common these days. I JUST DON'T LIKE IT... why should women suffer. Just Stop this NONSENSE...
Seriously its bad, truth be told I tried to save one person but that person threw my words to the wind and gave blind trust in that man with whom she had an extramarital affair relationship with, to maintain secrecy for a lifetime or until they are wanted to continue their affair or she wanted to satisfy her crazy selfish needs, Oh God she had children and now the marriage is over, the father is alienated, children have no father now. the father is grieving but who cares???
So, Now Again…
So trust me, each and every narcissist dedicates their life to all these addictions which enables them to stay far and entertain themselves for their sick self-centered needs by impressing all their New Toys.
Narcissistic Individuals love to repeat the footsteps of their sadistic behavior. They tend to do the same things with everyone. They have even been known to repeat the same strategies and even give victims the same or similar types of verbal abuse treatment. They will be happy for a certain time till they are fed up with it.
By leaving their EX they think they have utter freedom and will try to get fresh victims. There are a lot of different aspects to consider. Some narcissists may be after money or they may need more time to secure their position in that person’s life. They will even target married spouses too. Every situation is different. They also purposely do things to make their ex-partners jealous or to show them how well they are doing.
We have to try to end this sick Narcissistic behavior, or it will be at the end of their family existence... and especially the child abuse. But again Narcissists just don’t care.
The new materialistic supply thinks they are special. They think they understand the Narcissist's behavior much better. The Narcissist tells them their ex-spouse treated them badly and that they were crazy. The new supply thinks it will be different with them.
They have absolutely no clue or idea on God's good green earth and what they are getting themselves into. They actually are heading on death row towards the guillotine.
They too will land up in the same position as the Narcissist's ex-spouse, which it always does, Mark my words the new supply will then understand what a foolish mistake they did and realize that the Narcissist was the one who was really the BAD AND CRAZY ONE...
Thank You
Until next Sunday
Ep 3 Will be "Narcissists Punishments for The Great Ex-Spouse???"
God Bless You All...
-Jacob M
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