
Showing posts from 2023

Narcissists Love to Play Hide & Seek. Episode 2 “Who's the New Toy???"

My Baby Girl

To My Loving Son My Number One...

Never Trust a Narcissist, She will be your Downfall...

Episode 1 The Really Sickening part is "Addictions".

Narcissists Love to Play Hide & Seek

"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words".

Alienation of Parents... Seriously A Big No-No!!!

Parental Alienation & Narcissism...

A Cry for Help...I Decided to Choose Myself...

How Does One Write His Own Obituary...

Actual Researched Human Behavior ...

Confessions of A Real Narcissist...

Please Lord Protect My Children...

23 Types of Cheating, By Women & Men...

This is the most beautiful video I have ever seen. This is what I call a marriage made in Heaven...Above all This is Love at first sight...

"I Went A Stray for my Personal Needs:- Words of a True Narcissist..."

Do WOUNDS Heal??? Chapter 4

Sexual Narcissists!!!

Can a Narcissist Change???

Happy Easter! Wishing happiness, love, and joy to you this Easter.

Very True... It reminds me of someone I Know... The Actual Monster...

Narcissists False Confessions and Regrets, All But Lies & Fake Promises.


My Baby Girl...

The Consequences of Adultery:- Does Divorce, Separation, Cheating & Adultery very Common in todays World? Chapter 3

Very True...

Hey, Buddy is everything alright???