"Keep on Clapping..."

Dear Readers,

In a quiet town, there lived a man named Mr. J, known for his calm demeanour and gentle smile. Life hadn’t been kind to him; it seemed as though every corner he turned, he found himself facing a new storm. Rumours swirled around, whispered conversations grew louder, and lies were painted across his name like graffiti on a wall. Yet, Mr. J never faltered. He continued to walk with his head held high, a silent strength that no one could quite understand.

It all started when his marriage began to unravel. He was once deeply in love, but love turned to betrayal, and soon, stories of abandonment began to circulate. “He left them,” they said. “He wasn’t strong enough.” Mr. J heard it all, every cruel word, every twisted version of the truth. But instead of lashing out, instead of trying to defend himself with anger, he chose to do something different. He clapped.

Whenever someone celebrated a victory, no matter who they were, Mr. J applauded. When people passed by him with accusatory glances, he smiled and wished them well. And when he was alone, he prayed. He prayed for strength, for peace, and even for those who had wronged him. “Let them find their peace,” he whispered under his breath, “for I will not let their hatred drown me.”

One evening, after another tiring day of facing whispers and stares, Mr. J sat by the window, watching the sun dip below the horizon. He thought of his children, of how much he wanted to be with them, to see them smile, to hold them close. But there was a wall between them, a wall built on lies. His heart ached, but his resolve remained unbroken. “One day,” he thought, “they will see the truth. Until then, I will keep clapping, forgiving, and praying.”

The people in town couldn’t understand why Mr. J didn’t retaliate. “He’s a coward,” they murmured. But what they didn’t realize was that it took more courage to stand silently in the face of lies than to shout back. Mr. J knew that if he let his anger consume him, he would lose a part of himself. He refused to let that happen.

Years went by, and slowly, the truth began to surface. Those who had been quick to judge Mr. J started to see cracks in the stories they had believed. People who had once turned their backs on him began to return, some with apologies, others with silence. And through it all, Mr. J continued to clap, to forgive, and to pray.

One evening, as he stood in a small gathering, someone approached him. “How did you manage to endure it all?” they asked genuine curiosity in their eyes. Mr. J paused, a faint smile playing on his lips. “It wasn’t easy,” he said. “But I believe that there’s a power greater than all of this. Lies can spread, but the truth is patient. And until my turn comes, I will keep clapping, forgiving, and praying. Because hate won’t bring peace, but grace just might.”

And so, with God as his witness, Mr. J’s story was not one of defeat, but of quiet, unyielding strength. He never sought revenge, never tried to ruin anyone else’s life the way he had been. Instead, he chose to live in grace, a simple life, believing that one day, the truth would be seen, and those who had hurt him would understand the weight of their actions. Until then, he would keep on clapping.


The story of Mr. J teaches us that true strength lies not in retaliating against those who wrong us, but in maintaining grace, forgiveness, and patience. Lies can spread quickly, but the truth, though slow, will always emerge. Choosing kindness and inner peace over anger allows one to rise above negativity, showing that real courage is in enduring hardships with dignity. In the end, grace prevails over deceit, and those who hold on to their values will find their truth seen and understood.

God Bless You All…

Jacob M
