“Shadows of Judgment”


Dear Readers,

In the bustling city of in the West, gossip was as much a part of life as the morning traffic. People thrived on rumours, feeding off the smallest hint of scandal. One such story was about Lena, a woman who had recently moved into the neighbourhood. She was mysterious, with a quiet demeanour that sparked curiosity. Some said she was hiding from something, though no one knew exactly what.

Leading the charge of whispers was Vanessa, a prominent socialite who prided herself on knowing everyone’s business. She threw lavish parties, where people from all over the city came to drink wine, share stories, and—most importantly—talk about others. Vanessa’s circle had already decided that Lena was trouble, and they took turns dissecting her past based on the little they had observed.

Vanessa, however, wasn’t innocent herself. Behind her polished appearance and perfect social life, she had skeletons in her closet—affairs, broken promises, and strained relationships that she kept buried deep. She was a woman of virtue and class to her friends, but to those who knew her well, she was as flawed as anyone else. Even her children were trained well. But Vanessa had mastered the art of distraction, keeping the focus on others to avoid scrutiny. 

One evening, Vanessa hosted another one of her infamous gatherings, and as expected, Lena came up in conversation. Vanessa, with a glass of champagne in hand, leaned in and said, “You know, I heard Lena used to run with a pretty questionable crowd. Who knows what she’s hiding?” The group nodded, feeding off her words, their curiosity tinged with judgment.

Lena, unaware of the rumours swirling around her, lived her life quietly. But one evening, while out for a walk, she ran into Vanessa at a local café. Feeling the tension in the air, Lena approached her. “I’ve heard the whispers,” Lena said calmly, her eyes meeting Vanessa’s. “But have you ever wondered why we’re so quick to judge others when we know nothing about their struggles?”

Vanessa’s smile faltered. “I’m not judging,” she replied, though her voice lacked confidence. “I’m just… curious.”

Lena didn’t press the issue. Instead, she offered a small smile and left Vanessa to her thoughts.

That night, Vanessa lay awake, Lena’s words echoing in her mind. She realized she had been using other people’s stories to avoid dealing with her guilt and regrets. The affairs, the lies—everything she had swept under the rug to maintain her image—suddenly felt heavy.

The next day, Vanessa found herself standing in front of her reflection, staring at the woman she had become. For the first time, she saw the cracks in her perfect facade. She wasn’t the flawless person she pretended to be, and it dawned on her that, in judging Lena, she had been trying to hide from her imperfections.

Determined to make a change, Vanessa stopped hosting her gossip-filled parties and distanced herself from the toxic circle that once fueled her need to judge. She began focusing on repairing the relationships she had damaged and sought to understand the complexities of those around her instead of picking them apart.

One afternoon, Vanessa ran into Lena again, this time with a softer demeanour. “I’ve been thinking about what you said,” Vanessa admitted. “You were right. I’ve spent too much time judging others instead of facing myself.”

Lena nodded, her expression understanding. “We’re all flawed, Vanessa. But it’s what we do once we realize it that matters.”

From that day on, Vanessa stopped hiding behind judgment. And as the rumours about Lena faded, so did Vanessa’s need to find fault in others.

Remember, Yours Sins Will Seek You Out...

God Bless Us All...
