“The Silent Struggle: When Life Feels Too Heavy to Bear”?


Dear Readers,

There are moments in life when everything feels like too much. When the weight of rejection, the constant struggle, and the cruel words of others make you wonder why you’re even here. I’ve felt it too—this overwhelming sense that maybe death is better than continuing to fight. After all, what’s the point of giving your all when the world doesn’t seem to care?

I’ve helped others time and time again, only to find that when I’m the one in need, the world turns a deaf ear. They say, “Ask for help,” but when you do, the response is often, “I’ll see,” “I’ll check,” or worse, silence. Meanwhile, when others come to me, I can’t turn them away. It’s in my nature to help, even though it sometimes feels like I’m pouring from an empty cup.

It’s easy to get lost in the darkness. It’s easy to believe that death is a better option when life seems like one endless battle, with no sign of relief. But what if we’re not alone in that struggle? What if there are others like us, feeling the same unbearable weight, waiting for someone to acknowledge their pain?

I’ve been told that my life doesn’t matter, that I’m “ugly,” “useless,” “full of cobwebs.” Those words cut deep. They make you question your worth and your purpose. But I’ve also come to realize that those words aren’t the truth. They come from people who don’t understand, who don’t see the battles I’ve fought, the scars I’ve earned, or the strength it takes to keep going every day.

This article isn’t about offering false hope or pretending everything will magically get better. It’s about acknowledging the pain, the loneliness, and the exhaustion. It’s about saying, “Yes, life can be unbearable at times, and it’s okay to feel that way.” But it’s also about reminding myself, and maybe you, that even in the darkest moments, our story isn’t over yet.

There’s still something inside us that pushes us forward, even when we don’t understand why. Maybe it’s hope, maybe it’s defiance, or maybe it’s the belief that someone, somewhere, will one day see the truth of who we are and what we’ve been through. Until then, we keep going—not because it’s easy, but because we’re warriors, and we’re not done fighting.

God Save Us All...
