**The Proposal That Went Totally Wrong (But So Right)**

Ethan was determined to make this the most epic proposal of all time. His girlfriend, Lily, loved adventure, so he thought, What better way to propose than during a hot air balloon ride? It was foolproof—so he thought.

On the day of the proposal, Ethan had it all set. They’d float over the countryside, surrounded by golden sunsets and clear skies, and when they reached the perfect altitude, he’d pop the question. Easy. 

But from the start, nothing went according to plan. The hot air balloon pilot, Steve, had a bit of a quirky sense of humour and greeted them with, “Hope you don’t have a fear of heights. I haven’t had an accident in weeks!”

Lily laughed, but Ethan's palms immediately started sweating.

They climbed into the basket, and as the balloon slowly ascended, Ethan tried to calm his racing heart. The problem? The wind picked up—big time. Instead of a serene, romantic glide, the balloon started jerking around like a wild amusement park ride. Steve, unfazed, muttered something about "unpredictable weather," while Ethan gripped the side of the basket like it was a lifeline.

Still, determined, Ethan pulled out the ring from his pocket as they wobbled through the air. He knelt down (as much as one can in a cramped balloon basket) and started his speech. “Lily, you are the love of my—"

Suddenly, the balloon-tipped sharply to one side, and the ring flew out of Ethan’s hand. He watched in horror as it sailed through the air, bouncing off the side of the basket and landing right in Steve’s coffee cup.

Steve glanced down, lifted his cup with a shrug, and said, “Well, would you look at that? Guess you’re lucky. I almost drank your engagement ring.”

Ethan’s face was frozen in shock, but Lily? She was doubled over, laughing so hard she could barely stand. “Only you could manage this!” she wheezed, tears streaming down her face.

Ethan, hands trembling, took the ring (now dripping in coffee) from Steve. His plan was a disaster, but there was no turning back now. “Lily,” he said, barely containing his own laughter, “will you marry me?”

Still laughing, Lily grabbed his face and said, “Of course, you idiot!”

The balloon, still bouncing around in the wind, felt like a perfect metaphor for their relationship—chaotic, unpredictable, but so much fun. Ethan slid the slightly damp ring onto Lily’s finger as the wind whipped their hair into a mess, and the two of them, laughing uncontrollably, realized that this proposal—though a complete disaster—was exactly right.

As Steve cracked a smile and the balloon finally stabilized, Ethan couldn't help but think, Maybe a little chaos was just what makes life with Lily so perfect.

Be thankful for a breath of fresh air to be alive and well. 

God Bless Us All...

Jacob M
