Yes, Narcissists are bad people. Narcissism is a personality disorder characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance and an obsession with one's image and needs. People who suffer from this disorder are often difficult to deal with due to their low level of empathy, lack of ability to build meaningful relationships, overly demanding behaviour, impaired social functioning, grandiose sense of superiority over others, and tendency towards exploiting or manipulating people for personal gain.

Narcissists primarily seek attention and validation from other people to feel secure and important. They often achieve this through manipulation or exploitation tactics such as lying or exaggerating their accomplishments to appear superior or more successful than they are. When things don’t go entirely according to plan for a narcissist – i.e., when someone “disobeys” them – they tend to respond inappropriately with outbursts of anger that can easily lead to verbal abuse or worse. This makes it very difficult for those close (or even not so close) to the individual suffering from narcissism as any perceived slight can potentially lead the person into a fit of rage directed at whoever dared challenge him/her first!

In terms of being able to maintain healthy relationships: unfortunately, there is no easy answer here since all relationships require give-and-take on both sides for them to work long-term but if one party is unwilling due to their necessary need for control then it makes matters even harder resulting only frustration & hurt feelings down the road - especially if that particular person had narcissistic tendencies prior entering into said relationship(s).

While some argue that it may be possible for those suffering from this disorder to seek treatment to gain better self-awareness and understanding of how to interact with others while still keeping true to themselves - ultimately only firm action steps taken by individuals themselves will have any real tangible effect! At the end day though yes we can definitively say that narcissists do indeed make bad people...


God Save Us All...

Jacob M


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